Opening Mass,
Seminary Grounds Tour,
and lunch
September 20th, 2017
South Residence Hall Chapel
USML Conference Center
1000 E Maple Ave
Mundelein, IL 60060

September 20th, at University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, we celebrated the opening of our Year of Service! Doing service for others helps provide us with a sense of purpose, creates a sense of community, helps us be thankful, and bonds us to a higher power. Celebrate with the Women's Group as we kick-off our year with our Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch!
We began our morning with our new Pastor, Msgr. Robert Dempsey, presiding over our Opening Mass at 10:00am in the USML South Residence Hall Chapel. Click here to view and print a map of the seminary. The South Residence Hall Chapel is Building E on the map and parking is available in the Purple Lot only.
Immediately following our Opening Mass, beginning at 11:00am, a USML staff member took us on a walking tour of the beautiful seminary campus.
After the tour we enjoyed a lunch buffet at 12:30pm.

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch

Opening Mass, Seminary Grounds Tour, and Lunch