Grades 6 - 8

EDGE is Back!
EDGE is a middle school ministry program that offers social and service events for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students at St. Patrick’s Church. Our social night will be monthly, with snacks and drinks provided.
Middle school can be a really tricky time. Heavier homework loads, peer pressure, increased responsibility and mixed messages from friends and family. Let your faith and community here at St. Patrick be an anchor that grounds you and helps you navigate through all the clutter. At Edge, we discover God’s deep, unconditional love given specifically to each of us. Trust that God loves each of us more than we could ever know, and that he has blessed each of us in a unique way that can change the world.
If you have any questions please contact the Youth Minister, Brandin Stoy, at
brstoy@stpatrick-lakeforest.org or 847-234-1401 ext. 203
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