Ministry of Care

Ministry of Care at St. Patrick Church is dedicated to offering Holy Communion to the ill or handicapped in their homes, hospitals or in nursing facilities. Our Ministers of Care bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to come to church for Mass and the Eucharist. Jesus came to heal the sick and bring humanity into a deeper relationship with God. Our Ministers of Care bring the healing power of Christ to those who are in need. They are compassionate with gentle demeanors and non-judgmental mindsets that have a commitment to spiritual development.
If you wish to have one of our Ministers of Care bring the Eucharist to you please contact Terry Morrison at (847) 295-3725 or theresem7@att.net or the Parish Ministry Office at (847) 234-1401.

Ministry of Care Training 2022
For New Ministers of Care
Full participation in both training sessions will fulfill Archdiocesan requirements for mandation.
Are you interested in becoming a Minister of Care?
We visit the sick parishioners of our parish in their homes, nursing homes, and hospitals.
The next training will be Saturday Sept 17 and 24 from 9:00-3:00 at St. Francis de Sales in Lake Zurich.
More details and registration for this training can be found at the link below:
If you have any questions about this ministry and training please call Linda Jackson (269-903-8124) or Marianne Seiler (847-323-4950)
Please consider serving in this rewarding Ministry of visiting the sick.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration.