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Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


(Right of Christian Initiation for Adults)

A Faith Journey

  • An ongoing process

  • Continuing exploration of discipleship

  • Searching together with other adults


Will you join us on this journey? 


What is it?

The RCIA is the process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. Because the process is ongoing, people begin whenever the Spirit moves them to inquire. There is no formal “start.” The RCIA goes on within the context of the parish community and, after a suitable period of formation, culminates in the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation.


Who should consider RCIA?

The process of Christian initiation is for adults who are...


  • Interested in learning more about the Catholic Church

  • Unbaptized, seeking Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist or searching for spirituality.

  • Baptized, but have never received any formal religious education or the sacraments of Initiation - Confirmation and Eucharist.

  • Married to a Catholic and you want to share in their faith.

  • Seeking something in your life, but are not sure what it is.


Formation includes several areas:

Scripture: the stories of God’s people 

Teaching: what Catholics believe 

Prayer: how we communicate with God 

Liturgy: how the community worships 

Mission: how we live out what we believe


If interested please contact Gianfranco Isaia at (847) 234-1401,

Classes meet on Thursday evenings, September 16, 2021 to April 12, 2022.

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