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Men's Group

Most men who have attended a men’s fellowship group quickly discover the benefits they offer. Men participating in such groups cultivate friendships among their fellow parishioners, have fun, and learn from one another how to be a better husband, father, son, employee, Christian man, and Catholic parishioner. Many men say they have grown by this experience, which has helped them to form stronger and happier families and to cope better with the stresses they encounter at work. Another reason for belonging to a small group of men is that the men in the group can support each other in their quest for living a Christian life.
Who We Are:
The St. Patrick Men’s Group is made up parishioners who work together to support the parish community. We promote social activities for men built on a foundation of faith, fellowship, and service. We assist various organizations and ministries in our parish as well as organizations outside our parish. Enjoy a mix of social interaction and parish involvement. If you’re a new or established parishioner, this is a great place to start.
Roman Catholic men who together find Christ through three tenets in life; Spiritual, Service and Social.
What We Do:
We gather for regular monthly meetings that are simultaneously informational and spiritual. “Not for the feint of heart” is how the sessions are billed as they rigorously search the deeper reasoning and foundations of Catholic theology. From this central focal point we structure initiatives to develop our interior lives while helping others. Each initiative is originated by one or more members with the voluntary involvement of likeminded men who elect to commit talents and time within their ability to do so to bring the initiatives to reality.
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