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Prayer Center

St. Patrick Church The Circle

Who We Are

Prayer is the expression in word and action of our relationship with God. Its purpose is to develop and deepen this relationship through spoken word- liturgical worship or heart to heart spontaneous conversation with the Lord. We Catholics have a rich treasure of prayers for all occasions or circumstances. The most precious of these is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Consistent with this greatest prayer are prayers of adoration, praise, petition and thanksgiving. 

Prayer is also expressed through action. 

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What We Do

We intend to accomplish this goal by publishing articles in our parish bulletin, on our website and other social media... by offering a variety of resources including recommendations re conferences, speakers and websites and printed material that foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the many forms of prayer in our spiritual life.

Upcoming Events

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Prayers of St. Francis De Sales and St. Padre Pio

April, 2020

We offer the following Prayers of St. Francis de Sales and St. Padre Pio during this time of great anxiety and uncertainty.

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Let Us Pray for Holy Mother Church and St. Patrick

April, 2020

No situation is outside the light of the Resurrection, the power of the Holy Spirit, or God the Father’s love. Every aspect of our lives is under this powerful influence. When we pray, whether it be for the needs of the world or our own spiritual growth, then God is there to meet our every desire.

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Divine Mercy Sunday, A Reflection

April 11, 2021

by Deacon Frank De Frank

Read the article

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In Conversation with our God in this Time of Pestilence and Isolation

April 12, 2020

During this time of containment and silence here are some examples of prayer forms which maintain union with our God over the course of our day.

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Other Resources

Studies have shown that everyone prays; even some atheists say that they pray. So what is prayer? What makes Christian prayer distinctive? Bishop Barron answers these questions and offers recommendations on how to improve your prayer life.

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