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Speaker Series
December 6th, 2016
Father Don Senior
Rev. Donald Senior, C.P., is an ordained Catholic priest and President Emeritus and Chancellor of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. He also was the founding director of the school's overseas Israel Study Program. Senior has served as an official representative to the Southern Baptist/Roman Catholic Scholars Dialogue, sponsored jointly by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Southern Baptist Convention. He is a past president of the Catholic Biblical Association of America and was appointed in 2003 by Pope John Paul ll to the Pontifical Biblical Commission. Senior is the general editor of The Bible Today, and co-editor of the 22-volume international commentary series New Testament Message. He is author of numerous publications, including The Passion of Jesus Christ (Catholic Book Publishing, 1997), Jesus, A Gospel Portrait (Paulist Press, revised 1992) and Gospel of Matthew (Interpreting Biblical Texts; Abingdon, 1997). He earned his bachelor's degree in philosophy from the Passionist Seminary College in Chicago, theological studies at Saint Meinrad School of Theology; a licentiate in theology and a doctorate in New Testament studies from the University of Louvain, in Belgium.
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