As a kid I remember looking at my sister and thinking, “No man is ever going to marry her. She is way too…my sister!” I couldn’t see her as anything except my goofy, emotional, cooties-laden sister. Years later, on her wedding day, I remember seeing how her husband looked at her, he was totally in love with her, his watery eyes full of overwhelmed joy, drinking in her beauty and grace. He was the one who actually saw her. Blinded by familiarity, I had not been able to see her until now. She was glorious. I finally saw how beautiful my sister really was.
Jesus is transfigured before Peter, James, and John. His face shone like the sun and his clothes dazzle with heavenly light. If it’s a miracle, it is so related to the apostles’ perception of the glory of Jesus. The physical spectacle reveals how the Father perceives the Son, so to speak: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to him.” The Son is always bathed in the Father’s love. It’s only just now that they finally perceive it.
Who could possibly give his or her heart totally to Jesus? If we perceive him to be just another teacher, symbol, or moral example, we can’t. But if the Holy Spirit gives us eyes to see that he is the Beloved Son of God, who makes our humanity not just pleasing to God but filled with glory … then who can resist him? Perhaps only the lovers are the ones who properly see.
— Father John Muir