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Thimothy Gibbons Window

The Thimothy Gibbons stained glass window, located upstairs in the choir loft on the front wall of the church, is inscribed, “Thimothy Gibbons.  Donated by Mr. and Mrs.”. 


In 1908, after our church building had burned down and before our current structure was completed in 1909, Mass was held at the home of Dennis Gibbons which was located across the street from where our church is today.  Dennis E. Gibbons was born June 16, 1847 in Libertyville, Illinois and died in May 9, 1924.  Dennis Gibbons was married first to Rosanna McIntyre and had three children; Margaret, Frank and Rosanna.  Rosanna died on February 12, 1888 at the age of 36.  Dennis Gibbons second marriage was to Nora Conway and had one child Ambrose Gibbons.  Dennis was elected to the Illinois State Legislature in 1904.  He was a memeber of the Lake Forest City Council for five terms, of the senatorial committe for two years and he was a trustee of St. Patrick Church.  Dennis Gibbons had two brothers and a sister, Richard, John and Mary Ann Gibbons.  It is unclear if Thimothy Gibbons is related to Dennis.


In the 1880 United States Federal Census there is a Timothy Gibbons (age 6) living in Libertyville.  His parents were David and Catherine Gibbons and they had a total of nine children living in the household ranging from 15 years to 3 months old.  It is unclear if the Thimothy on the stained glass window is meant to be Timothy. 


If anyone has information regarding Thimothy or Timothy Gibbons and this window please contact Tim Klunder in the parish Ministry Office.  

Thimothy Gibbons, Timothy Gibbons, St. Patrick Church, Lake Forest, Illinois
Dennis Gibbons
Dennis Gibbons in 1918
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