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How do I Know my Relationship is Unhealthy?

You are in an unhealthy relationship if you…

  • feel pressure to change to meet your partner’s standards

  • are afraid to disagree

  • constantly must justify what you do, where you go

  • find yourself making excuses for your partner

  • feel isolated from friends and family

  • care for only on your partner and neglect yourself.

You are also in an unhealthy relationship if these signs apply to your partner.

  • constantly criticizes you and your ideas and actions makes all the decisions

  • controls everything

  • never listens to you

  • blames you for bad things or events in his/her life

  • calls you names or yells at you

  • shoves, pinches, hits, punches, kicks or otherwise hurts you

  • does not respect sexual boundaries and physical space

National Domestic Violence Hotline


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