2016 Golden Rose Awards

On Saturday, December 3rd, 2016 the Vicariate 1 ACCW (Council of Catholic Women) and the Vicar General, Ron Hicks presented this year's Golden Rose Award to Elizabeth Kelley (pictured below) who has exhibited incredible leadership, spirituality and service to others.
Vicar General, Ron Hicks gave the keynote address and discussed Women, Church and Salvation. He highlighted how our salvation is based on 3 things: prayer, intellect and good works. He punctuated his points with examples of "Teresa's" exemplifying the female aspect of the award, faith and the church. For prayer, he discussed St. Teresa Lisieux of the simple way; intellect was St. Teresa of Avila; good works: Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
Congratulations to Elizabeth Kelley on her incredible achievement and recognition.

Gold Rose winner Elizabeth Kelley and
Vicariate General Ron Hicks

Lizzie Cole, Gold Rose winner Elizabeth Kelley and
Margaret Tomaselli