Welcoming Ministry
The role of the Welcoming Ministry is to foster a welcoming environment that is outreaching, inviting and inclusive to all members and visitors of St. Patrick Church. Our goal is to foster an environment where people feel a part of this parish family; are encouraged to celebrate the Liturgy and the Eucharist while developing a deeper understanding of their faith; participate in ministry opportunities which give witness to God’s love; and continue their faith journey as we grow as disciples of Christ together.
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to provide an atmosphere of warmth and welcome which encourages us to participate together in the quest for a relationship and union with God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
1. Foster a Social Environment that Encourages Parishioner Participation:
For New Parishioners- Twice yearly, the ministry organizes and hosts social events for new parishioners (Spring and Fall).
To Build upon our Current Parishioner Involvement- This Ministry will organize other willing ministries/groups of the parish to host an Hospitality Sunday. The goal is to have one Hospitality Sunday per month.
Assist with Greeting Parishioners at masses
2. Welcoming New Parishioners:
Welcome phone call to be made by member of the Welcoming Ministry
Depending upon the parishioners expressed areas of interest, a welcoming ministry member would direct the individual to the appropriate ministry leaders.
Members of Welcoming Ministry will follow-up with new parishioners to invite them to parish events.
3. Welcome Folder: This ministry will be responsible for keeping the Welcoming Folder supply current for distribution by the staff to newly registered parishioners.
4. Maintain/Create Nametags for use by Parish Representatives: When necessary, nametags will be updated by Welcoming Ministry.
5. Keep website information up-to-date regarding this ministry
Provide Hospitality Sunday dates for the year
Provide dates for socials in advance for bulletin notices
Write articles on Welcoming Ministry events.
For more information, contact the parish office 847-234-1401