We regret to announce that in honor of Lent, our Teen Lead Mass for Saturday, March 4th has been converted to a regular Mass as we celebrate this Easter holiday season. Stay tuned for upcoming dates where our teens will lead a regular weekend Mass.
Our 5:00pm Mass on Saturday March 4th, 2017 is a regular Mass for our parishioners with the exception that all the voluntary positions are filled by our youth. It’s a great way to celebrate our faith with our parish teenagers!
Teens, if you are interested in being a lector, Eucharistic minister, altar server, usher, choir member, or play a musical intrument, please let us know. All teens are welcome to participate.
Eucharistic Ministers
Teens who have been confirmed may attend Eucharistic Minister training and then serve at any Mass (including the teen Masses).
Teens may serve as ushers at any of the Sunday 5:00pm Masses (including the Teen Lead Masses).
Ministers of the Word
Teens may serve as Lectors at our teen Masses. Teens who have been confirmed may also serve as Lectors at any weekend Mass.
Altar Servers
Teens and youth (grades 4 - 12) who have received First Eucharist and the required training may serve.
Vocalists and Musicians
Teens are welcome to share their musical gifts by participating in our Teen Band.
For more information or to volunteer please contact:
Veronica Pantelis at vmbach@comcast.net or
Michael Bannon at mbannon@stpatrick-lakeforest.org
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