Tickets for Public Masses and Services
Below are a few guidelines for being in the Church. There are signs around the Church to help facilitate new patterns of movement and seating arrangements.
Volunteers: Parish volunteers will be on site to help direct and guide all of us as we begin to open and reenter the Church.
Tickets Required: While reservations are required for all Masses, each person attending a Mass must have a ticket in order to be admitted into the Church building. Reservations can be made by clicking on the "Eventbrite" link in the listing below.
Masks/Face Coverings: Mask or face coverings are required to be work be all individuals at all times while in the Church building.
Hand Sanitizer: Sanitize your hands as you enter the Church building.
Social Distance: Maintain proper social distancing of 6 feet apart, unless you are with someone who lives in the same household as you. There will be floor markings to help facilitate this.
100 Person Maximum: A maximum of 100 individuals (excluding the priest and other ministers) are allowed in the Church at one time. In inclement weather, personal vehicles would be a necessary shelter while waiting to enter the Church.
Tickets Per Household: There is a maximum of 8 tickets per household available.
Church Entrance: The center doors are the only entrance into the Church.
Church Exit: You may exit through any doors of the Church.
Surface Sanitizing: All surfaces touched by persons are sanitized prior to the next opening of the Church.
Restrooms Unavailable: For the safety of all, the restrooms will be unavailable. If an emergency occurs, please see a parish volunteer for assistance.