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Lector and Eucharistic Minister Training Workshops

Sponsored by the Vicariate I, Deanery DEF Ministry Commission

Saturday, November 18, 2017


St. Raymond de Penafort

301 S. I-Oka

Mount Prospect, IL 60056

Check-in at 8:30am

Training from 9:00am - 12:00pm


Training meets the Archdiocesan requirements for mandation and remandation.

Lector Training Workshop

Lectors have a critical role in the celebration of the Mass. Since lectors proclaim not just any word, but the Word of God, it is essential that they develop the skills required to communicate God’s message competently.


Through the use of voice, eye contact and personal presence, lectors help God’s Word come alive for the assembly.


This training will provide the skills and self-confidence needed for those who wish to become lectors in their own parish or for any lector who would like a “refresher” course.


A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include any particular practices for your parish.

To register for this free Lector Training Workshop click here.

Eucharistic Minister Training Workshop

The workshop will include:

  • The ministry of Eucharist: our baptismal call to ministry

  • A theology of Eucharist as celebrated in the Roman Catholic tradition

  • The roots of our ministry in Scripture, the early Church, and on through the Second Vatican Council

  • Historical aspects of our celebration of Eucharist in practice and devotion

  • A review of the Liturgy of the Eucharist and how our ministry as EMs ‘fits’ in the larger picture

  • Questions and Answers

A follow up session will take place in your parish that will include a practicum on the particular practices for distribution of the Eucharist.

To register for this free Eucharistic Minister Training Workshop click here.

Questions about either workshop? 

Contact Mandy Dillon at: or

Marie Paul at

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