St. Patrick Annual Dinner Dance Benefit
Parishioner Survey
St. Patrick's Parish has conducted nine annual Dinner Dance fundraisers that support our sharing parish: Most Blessed Trinity in Waukegan. The funds raised go to support three ministries at Most Blessed Trinity; the MBT Academy (grade school), The House of Peace Domestic Violence Shelter, and the Food Pantry. Proceeds from the last four years have generated a total of $270,000. Your feedback is important to us and we will be using the results of this survey to make improvements in future events.
Whether you have attended or not, please fill out this short / anonymous survey.
Please submit one survey per couple or single person. Fr. Dunn and the committee look forward to your response. We will post the results in a future bulletin.
The Fundraiser Committee: Lizzie Cole, John and Pat Lucas, Tony Coughlan, Veronica Pantelis, Mark Condic, Peggy Gaier and Ron Rucolas